Undertaking or release order binding on accused

764 (1) If an accused is bound by an undertaking or release order to appear for trial, their arraignment or conviction does not cancel the undertaking or release order, and it continues to bind them and their sureties for their appearance until the accused is discharged or sentenced, as the case may be.

Committal or new sureties

(2) Despite subsection (1), the court, provincial court judge or justice may commit an accused to prison or may require them to furnish new or additional sureties for their appearance until the accused is discharged or sentenced, as the case may be.

Effect of committal

(3) The sureties of an accused who is bound by a release order to appear for trial are discharged if the accused is committed to prison under subsection (2).

Summary of certain provisions

(4) A summary of subsections (1) to (3) must be set out in any undertaking or release order.


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