
552 In this Part,

judge means,

(a) in the Province of Ontario, a judge of the superior court of criminal jurisdiction of the Province,

(b) in the Province of Quebec, a judge of the Court of Quebec,

(c) in the Province of Nova Scotia, a judge of the superior court of criminal jurisdiction of the Province,

(d) in the Province of New Brunswick, a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench,

(e) in the Province of British Columbia, the Chief Justice or a puisne judge of the Supreme Court,

(f) in the Province of Prince Edward Island, a judge of the Supreme Court,

(g) in the Province of Manitoba, the Chief Justice or a puisne judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench,

(h) in the Provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta, a judge of the superior court of criminal jurisdiction of the province,

(h.1) in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, a judge of the Trial Division of the Supreme Court,

(i) in Yukon and the Northwest Territories, a judge of the Supreme Court, and

(j) in Nunavut, a judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice. (juge)

magistrate [Repealed, R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 103]


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Absolute jurisdiction

553 The jurisdiction of a provincial court judge, or in Nunavut, of a judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice, to try an accused is absolute and does not depend on the consent of the accused where the accused is charged in an information

(a) with

(i) theft, other than theft of cattle,

(ii) obtaining money or property by false pretences,

(iii) unlawfully having in his possession any property or thing or any proceeds of any property or thing knowing that all or a part of the property or thing or of the proceeds was obtained by or derived directly or indirectly from the commission in Canada of an offence punishable by indictment or an act or omission anywhere that, if it had occurred in Canada, would have constituted an offence punishable by indictment,

(iv) having, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, defrauded the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security, or

(v) mischief under subsection 430(4),

where the subject-matter of the offence is not a testamentary instrument and the alleged value of the subject-matter of the offence does not exceed five thousand dollars;

(b) with counselling or with a conspiracy or attempt to commit or with being an accessory after the fact to the commission of

(i) any offence referred to in paragraph (a) in respect of the subject-matter and value thereof referred to in that paragraph, or

(ii) any offence referred to in paragraph (c); or

(c) with an offence under

(i) section 201 (keeping gaming or betting house),

(ii) section 202 (betting, pool-selling, book-making, etc.),

(iii) section 203 (placing bets),

(iv) section 206 (lotteries and games of chance),

(v) section 209 (cheating at play),

(vi) [Repealed, 2019, c. 25, s. 251.1]

(vii) [Repealed, 2000, c. 25, s. 4]

(viii) section 393 (fraud in relation to fares),

(viii.01) section 490.031 (failure to comply with order or obligation),

(viii.02) section 490.0311 (providing false or misleading information),

(viii.1) section 811 (breach of recognizance),

(ix) subsection 733.1(1) (failure to comply with probation order), or

(x) paragraph 4(4)(a) of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

(xi) [Repealed, 2018, c. 16, s. 219]


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Trial by provincial court judge with consent

554 (1) Subject to subsection (2), if an accused is charged in an information with an indictable offence other than an offence that is mentioned in section 469, and the offence is not one over which a provincial court judge has absolute jurisdiction under section 553, a provincial court judge may try the accused if the accused elects to be tried by a provincial court judge.


(2) With respect to criminal proceedings in Nunavut, if an accused is charged in an information with an indictable offence other than an offence that is mentioned in section 469 and the offence is not one over which a judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice has absolute jurisdiction under section 553, a judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice may try the accused if the accused elects to be tried by a judge without a jury.


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If charge should be prosecuted by indictment

555 (1) If in any proceedings under this Part an accused is before a provincial court judge and it appears to the provincial court judge that for any reason the charge should be prosecuted in superior court, the provincial court judge may, at any time before the accused has entered a defence, decide not to adjudicate and shall then inform the accused of the decision.

Election before justice

(1.‍1) If the provincial court judge has decided not to adjudicate, the judge shall put the accused to an election in the following words:

You have the option to elect to be tried by a superior court judge without a jury or you may elect to be tried by a court composed of a judge and jury. If you do not elect now, you are deemed to have elected to be tried by a court composed of a judge and jury. If you elect to be tried by a judge without a jury or by a court composed of a judge and jury or if you are deemed to have elected to be tried by a court composed of a judge and jury, you will have a preliminary inquiry only if you are entitled to one and you or the prosecutor requests one. How do you elect to be tried?

Continuing proceedings

(1.‍2) If the accused is entitled to a preliminary inquiry and they or the prosecutor requests one, the provincial court judge shall continue the proceedings as a preliminary inquiry.

If subject matter is testamentary instrument or exceeds $5,000 in value

(2) If an accused is before a provincial court judge, charged with an offence prosecuted by indictment mentioned in paragraph 553(a) or subparagraph 553(b)‍(i), and, at any time before the provincial court judge makes an adjudication, the evidence establishes that the subject matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or that its value exceeds $5,000, the provincial court judge shall put the accused to their election in accordance with subsection 536(2.‍1).

Continuing proceedings

(3) If an accused is put to their election under subsection (1.‍1) or (2), the following provisions apply:

(a) if the accused elects to be tried by a superior court judge without a jury or a court composed of a judge and jury or does not elect when put to their election, the provincial court judge shall endorse on the information a record of the nature of the election or deemed election; and

(b) if the accused elects to be tried by a provincial court judge, the provincial court judge shall endorse on the information a record of the election and continue with the trial.


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If charge should be prosecuted by indictment — Nunavut

555.‍1 (1) If in any criminal proceedings under this Part an accused is before a judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice and it appears to the judge that for any reason the charge should be prosecuted by indictment, the judge may, at any time before the accused has entered a defence, decide not to adjudicate and shall then inform the accused of the decision.

Election before justice

(1.‍1) If the judge has decided not to adjudicate, the judge shall put the accused to an election in the following words:

You have the option to elect to be tried by a judge without a jury or to be tried by a court composed of a judge and jury. If you do not elect now, you are deemed to have elected to be tried by a court composed of a judge and jury. If you elect to be tried by a judge without a jury or by a court composed of a judge and jury or if you are deemed to have elected to be tried by a court composed of a judge and jury, you will have a preliminary inquiry only if you are entitled to one and you or the prosecutor requests one. How do you elect to be tried?

Continuing proceedings

(1.‍2) If the accused is entitled to a preliminary inquiry and they or the prosecutor requests one, the judge shall endorse on the information a record of the nature of the election or deemed election and continue the proceedings as a preliminary inquiry.

If subject-matter is testamentary instrument or exceeds $5,000 in value — Nunavut

(2) If an accused is before a judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice, charged with an offence prosecuted by indictment mentioned in paragraph 553(a) or subparagraph 553(b)‍(i), and, at any time before the judge makes an adjudication, the evidence establishes that the subject matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or that its value exceeds $5,000, the judge shall put the accused to their election in accordance with subsection 536.‍1(2.‍1).

Continuing proceedings — Nunavut

(3) If an accused is put to their election under subsection (1.‍1) and no preliminary inquiry is requested, or is put to an election under subsection (2), and elects to be tried by a judge without a jury or a court composed of a judge and jury or does not elect when put to the election, the judge shall endorse on the information a record of the nature of the election or deemed election and continue with the trial.

Application to Nunavut

(4) This section, and not section 555, applies in respect of criminal proceedings in Nunavut.


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556 (1) An accused organization shall appear by counsel or agent.


(2) Where an accused organization does not appear pursuant to a summons and service of the summons on the organization is proved, the provincial court judge or, in Nunavut, the judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice

(a) may, if the charge is one over which the judge has absolute jurisdiction, proceed with the trial of the charge in the absence of the accused organization; and

(b) shall, if the charge is not one over which the judge has absolute jurisdiction, fix the date for the trial or the date on which the accused organization must appear in the trial court to have that date fixed.

Preliminary inquiry not requested

(3) If an accused organization appears and a preliminary inquiry is not requested under subsection 536(4), the provincial court judge shall fix the date for the trial or the date on which the organization must appear in the trial court to have that date fixed.

Preliminary inquiry not requested — Nunavut

(4) If an accused organization appears and a preliminary inquiry is not requested under subsection 536.1(3), the justice of the peace or the judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice shall fix the date for the trial or the date on which the organization must appear in the trial court to have that date fixed.


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Taking evidence

557 If an accused is tried by a provincial court judge or a judge of the Nunavut Court of Justice in accordance with this Part, the evidence of witnesses for the prosecutor and the accused must be taken in accordance with the provisions of Part XVIII, other than subsections 540(7) to (9), relating to preliminary inquiries.


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Trial by judge without a jury

558 If an accused who is charged with an indictable offence, other than an offence mentioned in section 469, elects under section 536 or 536.1 or re-elects under section 561 or 561.1 to be tried by a judge without a jury, the accused shall, subject to this Part, be tried by a judge without a jury.


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Court of record

559 (1) A judge who holds a trial under this Part shall, for all purposes thereof and proceedings connected therewith or relating thereto, be a court of record.

Custody of records

(2) The record of a trial that a judge holds under this Part shall be kept in the court over which the judge presides.


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Duty of judge

560 (1) If an accused elects, under section 536 or 536.1, to be tried by a judge without a jury, a judge having jurisdiction shall

(a) on receiving a written notice from the sheriff or other person having custody of the accused stating that the accused is in custody and setting out the nature of the charge against him, or

(b) on being notified by the clerk of the court that the accused is not in custody and of the nature of the charge against him,

fix a time and place for the trial of the accused.

Notice by sheriff, when given

(2) The sheriff or other person having custody of the accused shall give the notice mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) within twenty-four hours after the accused is ordered to stand trial, if the accused is in custody pursuant to that order or if, at the time of the order, he is in custody for any other reason.

Duty of sheriff when date set for trial

(3) Where, pursuant to subsection (1), a time and place is fixed for the trial of an accused who is in custody, the accused

(a) shall be notified forthwith by the sheriff or other person having custody of the accused of the time and place so fixed; and

(b) shall be produced at the time and place so fixed.

Duty of accused when not in custody

(4) Where an accused is not in custody, the duty of ascertaining from the clerk of the court the time and place fixed for the trial, pursuant to subsection (1), is on the accused, and he shall attend for his trial at the time and place so fixed.

(5) [Repealed, R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp.), s. 109]


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Right to re-elect

561 (1) An accused who elects or is deemed to have elected a mode of trial other than trial by a provincial court judge may re-elect,

(a) if the accused is charged with an offence for which a preliminary inquiry has been requested under subsection 536(4),

(i) at any time before or after the completion of the preliminary inquiry, with the written consent of the prosecutor, to be tried by a provincial court judge,

(ii) at any time before the completion of the preliminary inquiry or before the 60th day following the completion of the preliminary inquiry, as of right, another mode of trial other than trial by a provincial court judge, and

(iii) on or after the 60th day following the completion of the preliminary inquiry, any mode of trial with the written consent of the prosecutor; or

(b) if the accused is charged with an offence for which they are not entitled to request a preliminary inquiry or if they did not request a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536(4),

(i) as of right, not later than 60 days before the day first appointed for the trial, another mode of trial other than trial by a provincial court judge, or

(ii) any mode of trial with the written consent of the prosecutor.

Right to re-elect

(2) An accused who elects to be tried by a provincial court judge may, not later than 60 days before the day first appointed for the trial, re-elect as of right another mode of trial, and may do so after that time with the written consent of the prosecutor.

Notice of re-election under paragraph (1)‍(a)

(3) If an accused intends to re-elect under paragraph (1)‍(a) before the completion of the preliminary inquiry, they shall give notice in writing of their intention to re-elect, together with the written consent of the prosecutor, if that consent is required, to the justice presiding at the preliminary inquiry who shall on receipt of the notice,

(a) in the case of a re-election under subparagraph (1)‍(a)‍(ii), put the accused to their re-election in the manner set out in subsection (7); or

(b) if the accused intends to re-elect under subparagraph (1)‍(a)‍(i) and the justice is not a provincial court judge, notify a provincial court judge or clerk of the court of the accused’s intention to re-elect and send to the provincial court judge or clerk any information, appearance notice, undertaking or release order given by or issued to the accused and any evidence taken before a coroner that is in the possession of the justice.

Notice of re-election under paragraph (1)‍(b) or subsection (2)

(4) If an accused intends to re-elect under paragraph (1)‍(b) or subsection (2), they shall give notice in writing that they intend to re-elect together with the written consent of the prosecutor, if that consent is required, to the provincial court judge before whom the accused appeared and pleaded or to a clerk of the court.

Notice and transmitting record

(5) If an accused intends to re-elect under paragraph (1)‍(a) after the completion of the preliminary inquiry, they shall give notice in writing, together with the written consent of the prosecutor, if that consent is required, to a judge or clerk of the court of the accused’s original election. The judge or clerk shall, on receipt of the notice,

(a) notify the judge or provincial court judge or clerk of the court by which the accused wishes to be tried of the accused’s intention to re-elect; and

(b) send to that judge or provincial court judge or clerk any information, evidence, exhibits and statement of the accused taken down in writing in accordance with section 541, any appearance notice, undertaking or release order given by or issued to the accused and any evidence taken before a coroner that is in the possession of the first-mentioned judge or clerk.

Time and place for re-election

(6) Where a provincial court judge or judge or clerk of the court is notified under paragraph (3)(b) or subsection (4) or (5) that the accused wishes to re-elect, the provincial court judge or judge shall forthwith appoint a time and place for the accused to re-elect and shall cause notice thereof to be given to the accused and the prosecutor.

Proceedings on re-election

Proceedings on re-election

(7) The accused shall attend or, if in custody, shall be produced at the time and place appointed under subsection (6) and shall be put to a re-election after

(a) the charge on which the accused has been ordered to stand trial or the indictment, if an indictment has been preferred under section 566, 574 or 577 or is filed with the court before which the indictment is to be preferred under section 577, has been read to the accused; or

(b) the information, in the case of a re-election under paragraph (1)‍(a), before the completion of the preliminary inquiry, or under paragraph (1)‍(b) or subsection (2), has been read to the accused.

The accused shall be put to their re-election in the following words or in words to the like effect:

You have given notice of your intention to re-elect the mode of your trial. You now have the option to do so. How do you intend to re-elect?


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Right to re-elect with consent — Nunavut

561.1 (1) An accused who has elected or is deemed to have elected a mode of trial may re-elect any other mode of trial at any time with the written consent of the prosecutor.

Right to re-elect before trial — Nunavut

(2) An accused who has elected or is deemed to have elected a mode of trial but has not requested a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.‍1(3) or is not entitled to make such a request under that subsection may, as of right, re-elect to be tried by any other mode of trial at any time up to 60 days before the day first appointed for the trial.

Right to re-elect at preliminary inquiry — Nunavut

(3) An accused who has elected or is deemed to have elected a mode of trial and has requested a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.‍1(3) may, as of right, re-elect to be tried by the other mode of trial at any time before the completion of the preliminary inquiry or before the 60th day after its completion.

Notice of re-election under subsection (1) or (3) — Nunavut

(4) If an accused wishes to re-elect under subsection (1) or (3), before the completion of the preliminary inquiry, the accused shall give notice in writing of the wish to re-elect, together with the written consent of the prosecutor, if that consent is required, to the justice of the peace or judge presiding at the preliminary inquiry who shall on receipt of the notice put the accused to a re-election in the manner set out in subsection (9).

Notice at preliminary inquiry — Nunavut

(5) If at a preliminary inquiry an accused intends to re-elect under subsection (1) or (3) to be tried by a judge without a jury but does not intend to request a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.‍1(3), the presiding justice of the peace shall notify a judge or a clerk of the Nunavut Court of Justice of the accused’s intention to re-elect and send to the judge or clerk any information, appearance notice, undertaking or release order given by or issued to the accused and any evidence taken before a coroner that is in the possession of the justice of the peace.

Notice when no preliminary inquiry or preliminary inquiry completed — Nunavut

(6) If an accused who has not requested a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.‍1(3), who has had one or who was not entitled to make such a request under that subsection intends to re-elect under this section, the accused shall give notice in writing of the intention to re-elect together with the written consent of the prosecutor, if that consent is required, to the judge before whom the accused appeared and pleaded or to a clerk of the Nunavut Court of Justice.

(7) [Repealed, 2002, c. 13, s. 38]

Time and place for re-election — Nunavut

(8) On receipt of a notice given under any of subsections (4) to (7) that the accused wishes to re-elect, a judge shall immediately appoint a time and place for the accused to re-elect and shall cause notice of the time and place to be given to the accused and the prosecutor.

Proceedings on re-election — Nunavut

(9) The accused shall attend or, if in custody, shall be produced at the time and place appointed under subsection (8) and shall be put to a re-election after

(a) the charge on which the accused has been ordered to stand trial has been read to the accused or, if an indictment has been preferred under section 566, 574 or 577 or is filed with the court before which the indictment is to be preferred under section 577, the indictment has been read to the accused; or

(b) the information — in the case of a re-election under subsection (1) or (3), before the completion of the preliminary inquiry, or under subsection (2) — has been read to the accused.

The accused shall be put to their re-election in the following words or in words to the like effect:

You have given notice of your intention to re-elect the mode of your trial. You now have the option to do so. How do you intend to re-elect?

Application to Nunavut

(10) This section, and not section 561, applies in respect of criminal proceedings in Nunavut.


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Proceedings following re-election

562 (1) If the accused re-elects under subparagraph 561(1)‍(a)‍(i) before the completion of the preliminary inquiry, under paragraph 561(1)‍(a) after the completion of the preliminary inquiry or under paragraph 561(1)‍(b), the provincial court judge or judge, as the case may be, shall proceed with the trial or appoint a time and place for the trial.

Proceedings following re-election

(2) If the accused re-elects under subparagraph 561(1)‍(a)‍(ii) before the completion of the preliminary inquiry, or under subsection 561(2), and requests a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536(4), the justice shall proceed with the preliminary inquiry.


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Proceedings following re-election — Nunavut

562.‍1 (1) If the accused re-elects under subsection 561.‍1(1) to be tried by a judge without a jury and does not request a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.‍1(3), or if the accused re-elects any other mode of trial under subsection 561.‍1(2) but is not entitled to make a request for a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.‍1(3), the judge shall proceed with the trial or appoint a time and place for the trial.

Proceedings following re-election — Nunavut

(2) If the accused re-elects under section 561.1 before the completion of the preliminary inquiry to be tried by a judge without a jury or by a court composed of a judge and jury, and requests a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.1(3), the justice of the peace or judge shall proceed with the preliminary inquiry.

Application to Nunavut

(3) This section, and not section 562, applies in respect of criminal proceedings in Nunavut.


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Proceedings on re-election to be tried by provincial court judge without jury

563 Where an accused re-elects under section 561 to be tried by a provincial court judge,

(a) the accused shall be tried on the information that was before the justice at the preliminary inquiry, if applicable, subject to any amendments to the information that may be allowed by the provincial court judge by whom the accused is tried; and

(b) the provincial court judge before whom the re-election is made shall endorse on the information a record of the re-election.


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Proceedings on re-election to be tried by judge without jury — Nunavut

563.‍1 (1) If an accused re-elects under section 561.‍1 to be tried by a judge without a jury and does not request a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.‍1(3) or is not entitled to make such a request under that subsection,

(a) the accused shall be tried on the information that was before the justice of the peace or judge at the preliminary inquiry, if applicable, subject to any amendments that may be allowed by the judge by whom the accused is tried; and

(b) the judge before whom the re-election is made shall endorse on the information a record of the re-election.

Application to Nunavut

(2) This section, and not section 563, applies in respect of criminal proceedings in Nunavut.


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Election deemed to have been made

565 (1) If an accused is ordered to stand trial for an offence that, under this Part, may be tried by a judge without a jury, the accused shall, for the purposes of the provisions of this Part relating to election and re-election, be deemed to have elected to be tried by a court composed of a judge and jury if

(a) the justice of the peace, provincial court judge or judge, as the case may be, declined to record the election or re-election of the accused under section 567 or subsection 567.‍1(1); or

(b) the accused does not elect when put to an election under section 536 or 536.‍1.

(1.1) [Repealed, 2019, c. 25, s. 260]

When direct indictment preferred

(2) If an accused is to be tried after an indictment has been preferred against the accused on the basis of a consent or order given under section 577, the accused is, for the purposes of the provisions of this Part relating to election and re-election, deemed to have elected to be tried by a court composed of a judge and jury and not to have requested a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536(4) or 536.‍1(3), if they were entitled to make such a request, and may re-elect to be tried by a judge without a jury without a preliminary inquiry.

Notice of re-election

(3) If an accused intends to re-elect under subsection (2), the accused shall give notice in writing to a judge or clerk of the court where the indictment has been filed or preferred. The judge or clerk shall, on receipt of the notice, notify a judge having jurisdiction or clerk of the court by which the accused wishes to be tried of the accused’s intention to re-elect and send to that judge or clerk any indictment, appearance notice, undertaking or release order given by or issued to the accused, any summons or warrant issued under section 578 and any evidence taken before a coroner that is in the possession of the first-mentioned judge or clerk.


(4) Subsections 561(6) and (7), or subsections 561.1(8) and (9), as the case may be, apply to a re-election made under subsection (3).


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566 (1) The trial of an accused for an indictable offence, other than a trial before a provincial court judge, shall be on an indictment in writing setting forth the offence with which he is charged.

Preferring indictment

(2) Where an accused elects under section 536 or re-elects under section 561 to be tried by a judge without a jury, an indictment in Form 4 may be preferred.

What counts may be included and who may prefer indictment

(3) Section 574 and subsection 576(1) apply, with such modifications as the circumstances require, to the preferring of an indictment pursuant to subsection (2).


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Indictment — Nunavut

566.‍1 (1) The trial of an accused for an indictable offence, other than an indictable offence referred to in section 553 or an offence in respect of which the accused has elected or re-elected to be tried by a judge without a jury and in respect of which no party has requested a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.‍1(3) or was not entitled to make such a request under that subsection, must be on an indictment in writing setting out the offence with which the accused is charged.

Preferring indictment — Nunavut

(2) If an accused elects under section 536.1 or re-elects under section 561.1 to be tried by a judge without a jury and one of the parties requests a preliminary inquiry under subsection 536.1(3), an indictment in Form 4 may be preferred.

What counts may be included and who may prefer indictment — Nunavut

(3) Section 574 and subsection 576(1) apply, with any modifications that the circumstances require, to the preferring of an indictment under subsection (2).

Application to Nunavut

(4) This section, and not section 566, applies in respect of criminal proceedings in Nunavut.


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